[PSA] How to tame a Giganotosaurus with only hundreds of narcotics

Right, and I just said that's too bad. If you don't have 5 hours, then you can't get the MAX LEVEL of a MAX TIER dino with levels higher than people believe should even be in the game at launch.

Boo hoo.

No one cares that you don't have the time to do that or the tribe to help you do it. That's not anyones fault but you.

You also don't have the time to get to the max tier in League of Legends, CSGO, Dota, or do any real end game level content like this in any other time consuming game.

I'm sorry you seem to not understand my first comment, but life doesn't revolve around you and your time frame, and nor does or should this game. If you don't have time to play it and do everything, then YOU don't... The game doesn't need to change to make that a possibility.

You can however play on private servers, which are better than the public servers anyways, and is what you'd being doing in just about any other game.

There is not much of a difference between the grindy end game of WoW. People can and do play that like a job, and I spent 5 hours getting together with guilds and getting largescale raids done as well. End game level guild are just as grindy, time consuming, and life consuming. Really bad comparison there.

Do you honestly not understand that games like this don't and shouldn't cater to you having no time to play them? Play a different less grindy game. You wouldn't put all of that same time into an MMO, a skill based esport game, or any open world survivor type game and expect to be able to compete or do it all either, and I don't see why you think that should be different here.

You're seriously complaining that you can't have it all, and that's so incredibly unreasonable. Get over yourself, seriously. It's your schedule that is at odds with the game, not the other way around. Good thing is that the game gives you options for rates and max level of dino, so feel free to adjust them so that you can do it all.

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