PSA: no PC crashes in 720p

Your post has nothing to do with the OP but IMO you are the one at fault in your scenario there.

Don't expect performance patches to do much in an already very optimized game (it runs amazingly well... when it works, due to the dev errors some people get). Not to mention your system doesn't even meet the minimum requirements so I'm not sure why you expected good performance. There was also an open beta that you could have played to see what kind of performance you would have got. YTA

The minimum specs include an Intel Core i3-4340 or AMD FX-6300 CPU and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 or GTX 1650 (or Radeon HD 7950 on the AMD side) graphics card.

So the GTX 670, a 6.5 year old card, actually outperforms the DESKTOP GTX 1050.

Not the greatest source but still a source:

You are welcome to do what you want with your money but I would suggest boycotting all AAA games in general with your current rig... unless you can deal with having low fps.

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