[question] how do you recover from having done sexually stupid things?

I disagree with "no one will give a crap". U/stankmonger might have been downvoted because his opinion is not in line in with the Reddit hivemind but he has a point.

I (and many people I know) would not date OP either. Not for all, but for a good majority engaging in such acts is a sign of a deeper more concerning issue rather than just enjoying sex. In OPs case is the need to be a celebrity, this is something that is troubling. what can a partner expect in the long run from her when she decides married life is no longer entertaining, her goals and dreams did not fully come to fruition (because everyone goes through that at some point) and she wants to become a celebrity again? Further more the inability to accept yourself for who you are but expect a celebrity status to be satisfied shows deep self esteem concerns for me, which bring in a set of problems of their own.

And finally, when someone was unsatisfied or unhappy with a regular sex life but seeks extreme acts, such as the one described, how comfortable would you be as her partner that she will be happy with your sex life, no matter how skilled you may be you can not provide 10 dicks at once? Are you willing to risk 2-7 years of your life, kids and a house over the chance that she would be content with "just you two". I understand that there are many people that would be ok with sharing their wives and would want multiple partners etc etc, which might satisfy her desires but let's face it these are not the majority of the male population and your argument that "no one will care" is not valid at all.

I am not judging OPs choices, we all do things the way we believe to be in our best interest at the time, how we this does not mean we have to accept these choices from our future partner.

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