Questions on law school and law jobs for a junior in HS

Man, you gotta chill out. Even your writing is condescending and you're in a sub of lawyers and law students. The next few years are going to chew you up and spit you out, showing you that you're not the smartest kid in school anymore.

That being said, I thought I wanted to be a doctor when I was your age. I graduated with a degree in biology and worked in labs, and eventually assisting on MRIs at a radiologist's office. That taught me that I absolutely did not want to be a doctor.

Law is a ridiculous field and you have zero idea what it's about. You haven't even ever worked a real job in your life. Which is why I recommend to people that they take some time off between college and law school. I took two years. You never know what you want to do until you see what the real world is like.

So, to summarize-- stop acting like hot shit, because you're not and you'll come to find that to be the truth some time in the near future. Nobody cares about your family of Ivy Leaguers. Chill out, enjoy being young, and stop thinking about law school because you have no idea what the real world is like outside of your bubble. Just go to college, have fun, and succeed. I wish I were 16 again. This shit sucks ass.

/r/LawSchool Thread Parent