/r/malaysia daily random discussion thread for November 05, 2017.

I thought it was crazy how much your post yesterday resonated with r/Malaysia that it got all those upvotes. It resonated with me too. That constant feeling of inadequacy. Also, that bit about losing a girl you really liked, to that.

Similar to your story, the girl I liked chose to be with another guy. Yet, I don't regret my decision. I clung on to the belief that any guy would be a better partner for her than me. I believe that if I truly loved liked her, I'd want the best for her. And I'm far from being the best. It's cliché, but it only seemed logical to me. I'd even make the same decision again if I could turn back time.

Ooh but boy did it hurt to see her go, but I told myself I had to do it, that I had no choice. I don't talk to her now, even though we used to talk so much, every day. And we shared interests in the same silly things. I miss having that. There are times I wished I had never met her, so I wouldn't feel like I've lost something, if I never knew it existed.

Fuck you, God.

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