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I'm a total noob, been pc gaming for a good long while and I've always thought of getting a mechanical keyboard. I've tried using a mouse and keyboard for games but kept going back to a controller because using my regular cheap keyboard and mouse didn't feel right. I've recently got a very nice mouse (chroma death adder) but haven't used it for gaming. I'm playing Fallout 4 and feel like using the mouse would be nice but I've never really enjoyed using a keyboard. The problem always ends up being whenever in combat I end up often pressing the wrong buttons which messes me up so I go back to a controller. (I have the cheapest keyboard that had decent reviews I could find on amazon, (it's from Microsoft, it was $10)[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003UT2E8E?ref_=sr_ph&qid=1447187710&sr=1&keywords=keyboard&pldnSite=1])

I feel like perhaps if the keys for the gaming controls were textured so I could feel it and not hit the wrong keys that would help, I don't know if keyboards come like that. Perhaps it's an issue of key spacing? I'm finding it very hard to justify spending so much money on something when I might end up going back to a controller. That's what I fear will happen; I would just regret buying one. I understand that mechanical keyboards feel better for typing but I don't care for that, I'm sure it's nice and I would like the feels, but it's not enough reason for me to pay out that much money. However if it could make playing games a better experience and make me actually want to use a keyboard and mouse that would be worth it for me. Do you think a mechanical keyboard would help or is it just a matter of needing to practice/skill of using the keyboard? I'm talked myself out it for years so I was just hoping to find any insight that would convince me.

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