r/NBA2K 2K21 Next-Gen Feedback - Vol. 7 (sent to 2K)

Rec: Get rid of 60 overall AIs. You're ruining Rec. The games are over before they even began for 3 guys + 2 AIs vs 5 guys. The 2 guys supposed to be guarding AIs sag into the paint and/or double team the ball. The AIs can't/don't shoot. Why would you add this to Rec? Nobody asked for this feature. What people did ask for was an option to play Pro Am with some AIs to fill out the numbers and give them 5 against other teams doing the same thing (ie 3 guys plus 2 AIs vs 3 guys plus 2 AIs). Somehow your staff have entirely misunderstood that suggestion and instead gave us AIs in Rec. Nobody wanted/wants that. Fix it.

Mycareer: Shorten the time it takes to skip a timeout. We're sitting spamming buttons waiting for it to end, and why? So you can show us a Gatorade logo and advertise that product? Have you stopped to consider how that makes us feel about Gatorade? I'm literally starting to hate Gatorade now because of the time I have to spend in Gatorade Timeouts spamming the button, trying to get back to actual gameplay. Use some common sense - if your multi-BILLION dollar company really does need that Gatorade advertising money, put another logo on the Court or something less obnoxious than making us sit like idiots waiting for the timeouts to end while a deep resentment for Gatorade grows inside us like a malignant tumor.

/r/NBA2k Thread