/r/weedstocks After Hours Discussion - [February 13, 2018]

Knife bros need to check out COSMO knives. Based out of the island (Vancouver) and quality is even if not better to the Japanese blades you’re taking about. Seriously, he will hand make shapes and sizes - hard steel and an easy sharpen. WEED financials might sink us for a month or they might rush our holdings, Are you day trading? Are you trading weekly? Might affect you, the rest of us should probably hold and wait, the vote is around the corner and legalization is coming. Anyways, I’m hold APH FOR 1000 at an average of $9.00 MPX : 10000 at a 0.62 (thx to weed stocks) TBP for 12500 at a 0.97 avg TGIF FOR 7500 at 0.93 (holding bags) And ICC FOR 6000 at a 1.32 AVG Not the best and I’m hoping to make some moves, sitting in 30% cash. Anyways, just saying what’s up and love talking knives, Yes, the cosmo blades chop buds beautifully.

/r/weedstocks Thread