r/XboxOne undergoes Ragnarok when newly announced Assassin's Creed Valhalla includes a Collector's Edition statue of the female main character

I will give a slight slight slight defense on the battlefield v one as someone who never freaks out about these... (God help me)

The devs themselves in the lead up to release kept harping on about realism and authenticity. Now if that meant we got women in the form of Russian snipers and Pilots I would've been all for it being a history buff cause they don't get a lot of attention. But when you throw a British woman with a mechanical arm and a bunch of dudes swinging katanas in Europe. Then I lose interest UNLESS you admit that this is either a fantasy or alternate version of WWII. Then I say alright then go all out and I can enjoy this. Maybe they finally did admit that at some point but I didn't stick around long enough for it.

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