Random Daily Discussion Thread - February 10, 2020 at 09:15AM

I also had my own NSV the other day related to being a completionist. I got a free boost juice with my points. It comes in the largest size. Normally I'd feel compelled to drink the whole thing even if would does make me feel overfull. Instead I only drank about 60% of it and threw out the rest. Still felt wasteful but I know it's ultimately for the best. I also didn't eat the go cup from KFC that I bought because I knew it would put me over my calorie limit. Instead my husband ate it. Which works out well as he has been losing weight recently and wants to gain back more. Or at least stop losing weight. Sometimes it can be frustrating how easy he loses weight while still eating full meals three times a day and drinking only energy drinks and juice....

/r/india Thread