re/code Interview with Brendan Iribe about the state of VR

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous.
I can just imagine the average consumer now, in Best Buy, listening to the specs being given by the sales rep:

Rep: "...and that's about it for the FOV, resolution, tracking, etc."
Customer: "Wait. Wait, wait, wait. But HOW DIVERSE is Oculus, as a workplace??? That's the real clincher for me, in terms of buying this headset."
Rep: "Uh..."
I mean, it's ridiculous.
"Inherently hostile to women".
No one is stopping women from becoming interested. How is it "hostile"??
If more women were interested in things like technology or gaming, then there would be more women in them. Period. It's not because of some kind of systemic issue involving how society and workplaces are organized.
I mean, what do you think? If Oculus had more female faces in its public-facing side, then it would seem more inclusive or inviting to women? And if so, isn't that a little disrespectful to women? Are they not capable of making a decision based simply on the merits of a product, regardless of whether their are female company reps out there talking about it, giving interviews, etc.?
"Leaving behind 50% of consumers"... I mean, is this a joke? You're basically saying that, if few women buy Rifts, the reason is that Oculus doesn't have a more diverse workplace.
Most women are not gamers. If VR ends up with, let's say, a revolution in telepresence, I could see many women buying headsets.
The whole phony issue of diversity is just another leftist attempt to saddle us with obligations which we don't have. Companies do not exist, and have no obligation, to help achieve allegedly socially desirable ends. Because that's the real issue here. Let's not pretend that the issue is about it being a "bad business decision" to lack diversity. This is about companies having some alleged ethical responsibility to have a diverse workplace.
Companies don't have some kind of social responsibility, other than what every individual has -- which is: don't violate peoples' rights (ex. don't murder, steal, commit fraud, etc.). Other than that, companies should do whatever the hell they think is in their interest. What is the source, what is the basis, of any supposed responsibility they have?
People, and companies, are not here to serve society. What a degrading idea. They're here to pursue their happiness.
I mean, to hire based on diversity means to hire some people not on the basis of skill. It has to mean that, because companies already hire based on skill and people say they should change their hiring to be more diverse.
Can you imagine telling someone that you hired them because of diversity, when giving them a job offer?
Employer: "Hey, so just to be up front, there were actually candidates who were more qualified than you, but we decided to hire you because you are female -- and we're looking for a more diverse workplace."
Woman: "Uh..."

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