You’re dating a girl and you really like her and then you find out she has OF… how do you react?

My ex was super against OF and looked down on strippers and sex work in general. I had a few friends that were strippers and it always bothered her (I think she thought those were the kind of girls I was into). We eventually broke up

About a year later I reached out and we went for drinks. She kept going on about how she was an exotic dancer now, and had an OF. I think she still thought I was attracted to that lifestyle. I’m not opposed to it but I could feel that it was a bit forced on her part.

We ended the night amicably and I did not reach out again. I feel bad for her bc she came from a very well off family, and did very well in school (dean’s list ect.). She dropped school and the support of her parents to pursue something I don’t think she was completely comfortable with nor enjoyed. She just had this weird idea in her head that I was into whatever lifestyle that is and fully jumped into it (although content was pretty vanilla, just nudes). But she dropped everything for OF, and I know she’s only making 50k or less.

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