Why RE when we reach FI if we like our jobs in the first place ?

Hey found this from your complaint in the daily convo sub lol.

I personally love my profession. I work 7 days a week cause I want to not cause I have to. (Creative stuff)

My plan, which may interest you, is to save aggressively until I hit a number that will grow on its own and hit a big sum by 65. Should take another 5 years.

Then I can coastFI, or keep working and be 100% guilt free when it comes to spending my income.

I’m also in a profession where I work job to job aka freelance so I can work until I hit my spending needs and take the rest of the year off.

So FI kinda provides that freedom even if I don’t want to fully retire.

By the way I can’t read the original post.

/r/financialindependence Thread