Reading for my LDR BF's relationship/ dynamics with a "friend"

The 5 of pentacles suggests that your boyfriend may have experienced feelings of isolation or disconnection in his relationship with this other girl. This could indicate that he felt unfulfilled or unhappy in the relationship, and may have wanted something more from her.

The 8 of pentacles reversed suggests that your boyfriend may have been focusing on his own personal development and self-improvement, perhaps at the expense of his relationship with this girl. This could indicate that he is trying to move on from the relationship and focus on other aspects of his life.

The Ace of Wands suggests that your boyfriend may have a strong desire for growth and new beginnings. This could indicate that he is ready to move on from his relationship with this girl and explore new opportunities and possibilities in his life. Overall, these cards suggest that your boyfriend may have had strong feelings for this girl in the past, but that he is now focused on moving on and pursuing his own goals and ambitions.

/r/tarot Thread