"Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - February 26, 2023"

Normally if I sit with a reading that doesn’t make sense at first, it will start to after a couple days, but no luck with this one yet. I feel like I keep getting close and then it slips away. I’ll try to upload pics but I just use a good old Waite Smith deck.

Past: King of Cups
Present: Page of Swords
Future: Two of Swords, reversed

I feel like I’ve been going through a period of mental and emotional changes, becoming much more grounded, less reactive, more assured of myself and my beliefs and emotions. Like, years of working towards being a certain way coming to fruition. My question was “what do I need to be aware of as I move through these changes?” I originally pulled one card and then I felt a strong urge to pull two more and do a past-present-future.

The two of swords is what’s throwing me. I see the King of Cups as these big reactive emotions that I let rule me in the past. From the Aleister Crowley: “quick to respond to attraction and easily becomes enthusiastic under such stimulus, but he is not very enduring. . . . His name is writ in water.” Yep, get that, feels right. Page of Swords - I see this new way I’ve been thinking, and the excitement and energy that comes with newness. Swords to me have this feeling of discernment - like you’re cutting away one thing but leaving another. Very intellectual, heady, compared to cups soft squishy emotions.

Two of Swords reversed. Okay ummmm. I see the swords and the blindfold, so…trying to discern something but not having all the information? Not seeing all the paths? Am I just stumped because the present feels positive and this feels negative? lol. Maybe I shouldn’t read it as reversed? instead see it as being about intuition and the unconscious mind (the moon and sea) balancing with the discerning, intellectual mind (swords)?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

/r/tarot Thread