"Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - November 27, 2022"

I have pulled the ace of wands, queen of swords and king of swords.

I am confused as been trying to learn about cartomancy recently too.

I have two interpretations in my head, one is to go ahead in the direction of business with two who the queen and king represent.

The other is a female is due to attempt to negatively impact my reputation with others or already is.

Part of me believes both to be true. This was a daily pull but with an undercurrent of concern about an individual and the ongoing question of what direction to move in business if any. I’m happy where I am but aware I have potential to do more.

I’m aware of exceptions to the usual rules when certain cards are placed together such as the Queen and king.

Any help or pointing to resources to let me clarify better will be very great fully received.

/r/tarot Thread