The Real Bestest Show in the Universe

In honor of you selling out, here's a Madcucks vs Madcucks!

In this thread, you've decided to start a patreon. Patreon is a fantastic platform for artists to have a steady flow of income long-term. It's not limited to medium, so people like Asterios who do all kinds of bits can profit off all of them.

In this thread you said you'd kill the character off when it's run its course. Or maybe you meant when Dick sleeps with your ex? Anyways, it's pretty contradictory to make a long-term profitable platform to a character you made as a joke, isn't it? If someone chooses to give you money this month, and Dick chose to drop the drama bits, there'd be no guarantee you'd make anymore content. You could finish your book, and that'd take a while, but you only made the book because Maddox disavowed it. You haven't made any satire of Maddox's content outside of what's been mentioned on The Dick Show. So, unless you plan on drastically changing that, you've got a pretty limited amount of content to work off of, with no guarantee it will increase.

You know what will never die? Shitposting. That's why I recommend that if people somehow still have money left after giving to Dick AND Asterios, they go to, who has a longer shitposting track record than you and isn't limited in the content he makes.

This is mostly a joke. Madcucks vs Madcucks has been a long time coming and I love the idea of shamelessly promoting someone else's patreon on your post, but it's not a bad thing to address if you're actually planning on doing this.

/r/TheDickShow Thread