@realDonaldTrump: "I've never had a drink because of my brother. If you don't start you're never going to have a problem."

I never drank at all when I was young. I knew multiple people who died young because of alcohol. Two kids at my high school died from drunk driving: one was drinking the other was hit by someone who was. I also knew people who didn't handle drinking well - who became angry, said stupid things, and harmed relationships.

When I got to college obviously it was a bit different. We could all walk everywhere so the danger was minimal if you were responsible. I had two drinks when I turned 21 with an adorable girl who I was super into, mostly because she was awesome and supportive and didn't pressure me the way other people did (also because she was incredibly attractive). I still didn't drink after that because I felt like it might make me into someone else, and because I had negative responses to cheap alcohol and sugary drinks (itching, tiredness, etc).

I didn't really start enjoying drinking until I was nearly 30. Now I have a scotch collection and it's awesome. It's delicious, it's fun to share with people, and I never drink too much of it. A tiny little drink or two is great.

Anyway... my advice is this: be yourself, do what you are comfortable with, but be responsible and think about what you are doing. It's fine to drink more than I do. It's fine to party a bit in college, but I know a lot of people who pushed that too far. I know a lot of people who have or still do drive vehicles when they shouldn't - don't fucking do that. If you have to stop and ask yourself if you drank too much to drive the answer is yes. Don't be an idiot.

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