Had my first VA appointment today and it made me think. What's your horror story of the VA?

Finally registered with the VA in Minneapolis because I needed records and signature for a service-related issue that happened on one of my deployments so I could continue processing for a job I'd been offered. They had all the documentation and it would have taken hardly 5 minutes to finish. Earliest appointment was 3-4 months out, "I don't actually need you guys to do anything, just some records." "Sorry sir, I know you need this in two months or less, but that's the earliest we have." This is exactly the kind of person that made me leave government service. Mindless, soulless drones unless they're dealing with somebody who can hurt their careers. Did not get job because I could not get medical clearance in time. Fuck the Minneapolis VA, yes I'm bitter.

Fortunately I found other employment that pays better than the job I lost, but that certainly was a shitty time for me and they obviously didn't care. Also, I want to add I found medical care at Bethesda, MD and NYC to be timely and exemplary, but as they say, you've been to one VA, you've been to one VA.

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