Reddit, please help me honor my Grandma and get this video to David Cook. Original Song - "No Words" (more in comments)

I wrote this song to honor my Grandma, Willie M. Galbraith. I've made it public because I want the world to know this lady that I love so much. This is my attempt at expressing something too powerful to put into words. I'm not a musician. I'm a police officer just trying to honor someone I love. I know YOU KNOW how I feel, but I don't want to have anything left unsaid.

I love you Grandma. I've been so blessed to have you in my life. I used to think that having a teenage Mom made life difficult at times as we struggled, but as I've gotten older it's only become more clear just how lucky I was. Not only did I get a great, loving Mother that did everything in her power to give me a great life, I also got a second Mom - you. Not many people get that. Because Mom had me at such an early point in her life, I've gotten to spend nearly 33 years with you. I wouldn't trade that for the world.

Thank you for all of the "switchings" you gave Tracy and I (and all the grandkids), that kept us in line and taught us right from wrong. Thank you for praying with us and sharing your love for Jesus. Thank you for letting us be kids and just do stupid kid stuff (mostly with your video camera!) Thank you for for keeping our family together, even as we went through the fire and at times it seemed we'd crumble. Thank you for passing on your screwed up sense of humor to me; it's now one of my greatest strengths. Thank you for just being uniquely, YOU. There is no one else like you.

I love you so much more than words will allow me to communicate. I wish I could keep you forever. Love, Chris

*Thank you to my friend, John L Sullivan, for recording and mastering my song for me on very short notice. I'll never forget your willingness to help me during this time.

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