Reddit, what are you currently struggling with?

Anytime you’re ready to switch, let me know. Lol Before we switch let me give you a glimpse of what’s out here.

I just graduated (again). I now have a Master’s degree. It’s worth NOTHING in the real world. Yet my student loans were around 166k. The most I’ve ever made was $18 bucks an hour and that was before I went to grad school. That’s not even it, I just was let go of a temp job, which paid $15 bucks an hour. The trainer felt I was a threat since I asked too many questions. Her boss also told her I inquired about a trainer position.

I live with my Narcissistic sister (who tricked me in to moving in two years ago). She said she wanted me to finish my degree. She convinced me to stop working for my employer. I had no idea that she disliked me. I was my mother’s favorite child (trust me it was not worth it) and my sister felt left out. She basically wants to do better than me, since the family always makes a big deal out of what I do. It is not for my benefit, it’s so they can brag about it to others, to make themselves look good. My sister wants to keep me down to control me. I figured out her plan, so I’m actively seeking employment again. When I leave, I won’t look back. I’m finally going to focus on what I want to do (as soon as I figure out exactly what that is).

As far as dating, at least your guy is faithful. Last loser I dated was 2 years ago. The man was evil. He got a kick out of seeing me in pain. He would cheat and tell me, then want me to curse him out (which I never did) so he could tell his friends. He was so childish. He dated 3 women while I was with him. In two years, he did not get me one gift. His excuse for not getting me a birthday gift was, “Well, you were out of the town.” WTH Last time I check Fed-X flew everywhere. Lol

Honestly, enjoy your situation. Comfort is a good thing. Knowing you can go into the refrigerator and pick whatever you want to eat without looking at a checkbook is good. You said you were a nanny at least you get paid. I have to watch my sister’s child for free/to live here. Those 5 weeks at my last job did feel good because I got to do fun stuff. Like I went to the movies, I got to go to the actual church service instead of watching it on live stream, I took myself to dinner at the steakhouse. I had fun! I know my next position will be better and now I know how to budget.

It so weird, you said you are not ready to get married, but I’m ready. It’s like I’m sick of waiting to meet Mr. Right, but I refuse to settle for Mr. Wrong. It’s crazy because in my 20’s guys were asking me to marry them and I didn’t want to. I was not interested in marriage at all. I wanted to live my life. Now that I’m 34…I rather have someone to share the journey with. Someone to do fun stuff with. Trust me it is no fun going to a movie theater alone on a Saturday night. Or going to dinner alone. Wait…have you always had a boyfriend or significant other for most of your life? If so, that would explain why you want to live on your own. Me, I haven’t. I’ve dated 4 people. I live in the suburbs and there are not many single guys here. When “we” (suburban girls) finally meet guys we usually hold on to them. Honestly, it’s rare to find a single man over 30 here without children or drama. Lord forbid we have to go to the City to meet someone. Those men are from a different breed. Oh, living alone is not what it’s cracked up to be. I lived alone a few years ago and it was boring. You’re at home and it’s pure silence. If no one called or if I stayed in too much, depression would happen. It was weird.

/r/AskReddit Thread