Reddit, what is the best memory you have of your dad?

I used to skateboard when I was younger. My dad is about 6'4, with a mustache, and he would always smoke his girlfriends Virginia slims. One afternoon I had left my skateboard in the garage, and my dad still wearing his apron (he's a butcher) went out in the garage to have a cigarette. He shut the door behind him. I cracked the door to see him standing there with the skateboard in front of him. He sets one foot on it and rolls it back in fourth, scoffing to himself. He looks both ways, puts the cigarette in his mouth and puts both feet on the board. Immediately he slips out sending himself to the concrete and the skateboard into the drywall. I flung open the door and said, "Dad, holy shit are you okay?!" to which he responded "yeah i'm fuckin' fine shut the garage door I don't want the neighbors to see".

He sluggishly got up from the floor bleeding above his eye, stuck the Virginia slim back in his mouth and lit it. He looked at me for a second and said "you're fixing that drywall".

/r/AskReddit Thread