What are the actual intellectual abilities gained by IQ deviations?

I'm curious to know if a study has ever been done on this. I found one article that well documented deviation ranges below 120 or so, but gave up trying to define the upper reaches. I'm interested in correlations (even subjective, anecdotal ones). I'll start with a basic profile of myself.

IQ: 156 Tested by a psychiatrist

Abilities: I learn very fast, can read and process fast, and do mental math quickly. I can read a textbook in a weekend, then float through just about any class and get an A. My learning speed is directly related to my interest level. Subjects I enjoy, like biology or geology, are picked up quickly, while I "struggle" with things I don't care much for, like calculus. I put struggle in quotes because the difference between interest and disinterest for me is a grade of 100 on a test finished in 20 minutes versus a 95 on one that took an hour. I can extrapolate and creatively apply things I've learned to new, even seemingly unrelated, situations.

Deficiencies/downsides: I'm impatient with people that don't catch on to things as quickly as I do. I'm not so much overtly condescending, I just get bored and distracted quickly if there is a perceptible difference in how fast I picked something up versus someone else. This leads to a lot of botched social interactions as I tend to get annoyed when asked to repeat myself often. I also have a tendency to hyper-contextualize, especially regarding jokes or emotional conversations. When someone says something, I take it many different ways based on the words themselves, often missing out on cues like the current situation or someone's facial expression/body language that might otherwise clarify. I'm physical clumsy beyond the bounds of my own body (for example I can learn martial arts movements just fine, but catching a ball is about 50/50). I have sort of a manic/depression thing going on where I'll transition from intent focus and desire to complete anything in front of me to an extremely apathetic/lethargic mood without much warning.

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