Reddit, What is the craziest thing that has happened in your workplace ?

I worked in a cafe open til 2am most nights in my early 20s. Due to the late nature, we all became really close, hanging out after hours, coming in on nights off, a few of us even lived together.

The general manager started up a thing with one of the girls working who at the time had been a gold star lesbian. One day, he announces his former, foreign girlfriend was coming back to the country. My girl didn't no this. So foreign chickie arrives and SURPRISE general manager is marrying her so she can stay in the country. My girl attends the wedding (held in the bar they met in) then promptly leaves town.

Somehow, General Manager and Mrs. Green Card ended up having problems. During this, General Manager starts flying to my girl and flying her back into town. Mrs. Green Card moves to NYC and General Manager and my girl became more obvious in what was going on.

Enter girl 3 who ALSO worked at the cafe. General Manager was also a DJ and girl 3 was a dancer. They ended up starting something that went on for a few months before my girl announces she's moving back to town. The night before she begins her drive back across the country, girl 3 calls her and tells her tearfully what had been going on.

SO my girl moves back to town, begins working at the cafe again and everything went bananas. My girl thinks girl 3 has orchestrated the whole thing, lines were drawn among the employees and many nights at work were fucked by my girl and others busting in drunk to bitch. One night, I'd had enough and told the General Manager he needed to resolve it.

And he did... by sitting my girl down and reading a letter that basically told her that he and girl 3 were an item.

All hell broke loose. Many nights of parking lot fighting, name calling, a few people quit and the atmosphere was never the same.

My girl still lives in town doing her own thing. General Manager and girl 3, after much drama, didn't work out. Girl 3 got knocked up by someone else and has pretty much disappeared. General Manager still DJs and works at the cafe and seems to be doing well.

/r/AskReddit Thread