Reddit, What is the dumbest thing YOU have done as a teenager?

Not doing anything about my rape and keeping it to myself.

Before i start, I'm a clean girl, never did any drugs, never trying to be drunk, I didn't even like drinking and i was a virgin waiting for the right guy, I was 16. Also Sorry English not my main language.

We had a big circle friend and one of them abused me, I'm not someone who can stand alcohol much, But apparently i drank a lot that night and everything i drank was given to me by that guy, i'm honestly pretty sure he drugs me too since the entire evening and night is a big black out. At the end of the night everyone went to sleep at one of my bestfriend house except me, because the guy insisted I went to his home, and no one react to him dragging me. I can't remember shit about the night, except seeing him on top of me and i remember crying and being hurt like shit. After 2 week of no social interaction with any of my friend and avoiding all our meeting, my 2 best girlfriends came to my house and i told them everything. They didn't believe me, they told everyone i was a big liar and an attention whore and other adolescent shit.

I move away from my city a year after it happen and i discovered that my raper had a girlfriend that he turned into me. He convinced her to bleach her hair platinum blonde, wear fake glasses and blue eye contact, etc. and that he also move in the city where i was. I didn't go out of my apartment for 3 entire month, I was so scared, had enormous anxiety attack all the time, I drop out of school.

It's been almost 6 years now and i've been able to talk about it since 3 years, I never was able to tell my parents and won't ever be.

Now that i'm an adult i regret not going to the police, I was raped, I never ask for this, It wasn't MY fault. I'm a victim, if you know something that said was rape, please believe her or him, there's nothing funny about lying about that but it's a nightmare to be alone in that crap.

Tl:dr was raped 6years ago by one of my friend, no one believe me, i let myself convince that i was responsible and i suffer for 3years before realizing that i did nothing wrong.

/r/AskReddit Thread