Reddit, what is something you used to be obsessed with, but hate now?

Most shonen anime.

Cut back to middle school and most of high school. Middle school even had me going through the phase of throwing random Japanese words into my everyday speech just because I really liked Naruto that much. If you talked shit about anime, I would've argued with you, and probably even accused you of being racist towards the Japanese. (though to be fair, at the time I had seen people say they wanted to drop more bombs on Japan just because they don't like anime)

Now, I hate Naruto. I don't care much for Bleach. I give zero fucks about Sword Art Online or Attack on Titan. Partly because they remind me of those cringey times, and partly because I just personally don't think they're that good.

I mean, I don't hate anime in general, I still love it, and it's one of those things that my girlfriend and I love to bond over. It's just that I definitely feel like I've outgrown a huge chunk of it.

Even anime conventions seem to have lost a lot of that touch they used to have when I was younger. I mean, I'll still go to them to see old friends and maybe nerd out for a bit, but they're not a priority for me like they used to be.

/r/AskReddit Thread