Reddit, what is the strangest/interesting/funniest thing you've experienced while taking drugs?

Bit of a story here. A few weeks ago, I'm bored on a weekend and decide to do shrooms for the first time. I take them, I'm waiting for them to kick in. I step outside for a smoke and realize it's my last one, so I need to go get some now before I'm too messed up to do this normally.

I take off walking. It's about a 10 minute walk to the convention store. Shrooms are starting to hit me, feeling good, everything looks really nice, it was a nice sunny day. I get to the store, buy them, get out and start walking back home.

Now, reddit, this is where my hubris steps in. I had made the journey, bought cigarettes, and was walking home safe and sound, but I thought to myself "you know what would go great with these smokes? A coffee!". So, I step into the hipster cafe near my house. 2 of the 3 workers are giving each other death stares, it's the end of the day so I'm the last customer, and the third says "sorry, you're interrupting an argument". The guy who takes my orders notices my shirt, it's from a folk musician, compliments me on it and we shoot the shit. More things are going wrong in the store, I'm slightly anxious but mostly proud of myself for getting through all of this, the shrooms were really starting to hit me. I get out of the store, one more task completed, now I only need to walk home.

I get to my street, a nice quiet family neighborhood hidden off of a downtown street. As I'm walking, I get this sensation, a feeling of something bubbling up. Whatever is going to happen, it's going to happen soon, and I can't stop it. I walk quickly and get to my stoop. On the stoop next door, the old Italian ladies reminiscent of the peanuts gallery in the Muppets are sitting and chatting. Almost there. I get my keys out, reach forward, miss the key hole. It's happening. It's coming up, I can't stop it, I need to get inside now. I get the key in the slot, turn it, only to realize it's the wrong key, and right then it comes to a boiling point and I start giggling to myself uncontrollably while the ladies next door stared in horror. I get the right key, open the door and get inside, only to realize I had bought beer earlier and had no use for my coffee.

/r/AskReddit Thread