Reddit, what was the worst thing that has happened to you while traveling?

Haven't spoken about this much, so using a throwaway, have never really put this experience into words before, so excuse if its confusing.
My parents and my sister and I went to FR to visit my aunt and her new husband, a successful and powerful man. My sister and I were introduced to her husband's best friend's son( we will call him S) who invited us to hang out one night and crash on his couch as the clubs were far from where we were staying. We did, and were introduced to his friends from a stuffy business school that bred aletist pricks. That night as they all hung out around us, acting as friends, I was drugged. My memory is splotchy from the night only remembering before the ONE drink they made me & scenes that still make me shake as I think of them. I cant even explain it as waking up, but just opening my eyes and being aware but unable to act on what I was seeing or speak. After just a short time out, not possibly long enough to get intoxicated I opened my eyes in the middle of the street behind a car with my sister as she shoved a pen down my throat(to get me to throw up). I remember her arguing with them. (she was telling them we had to go home) My sister got us in a taxi and we got back to the flat to sleep. S gave us the key to the apartment so they could stay out and we went alone. I remember the cold leather couch. I opened my eyes, not sure of the time but I was in a bedroom, no longer on the couch. Two guys were standing over me in S's apt speaking in french, neither of them were S. I don't remember what happened between waking up in those moments or how I faded back into darkness. But I'm happy I wasn't awake to witness it. I woke up the next morning feeling foggy and more sick than I ever have before. I was in a bed in the flat with condoms on the bed. I was raped that night by two men who have more money than I would ever see. My parents picked us up from that flat. My whole body hurt, and I slept for most of the next few days. A middle class 18 year old American girl's word against the word of wealthy young Parisian men hailing from even wealthier families. They knew there would be no consequence for what they did to me. I still have not fought up the courage to tell my parents. The worst experience Ive had traveling.

/r/AskReddit Thread