Reddit what is your least proud fap?

I was back home for college break when I was about 19 or 20. I had been running some errands and when driving home through my neighborhood I noticed a hot blonde woman going door to door. No one was home so I decided to have a fap to her. I had a second story bedroom with windows to the street so I was able to fap and watch her go door to door.

Eventually I realize she will be coming to my house! It was a really hot day so when she was walking up my driveway I could see she was sweaty and her shirt was unbuttoned more than it would have been so I got a good peak at her breasts as she climbed the steps to our front door. The bell rang and I was tripping over myself trying to get my clothes back on so I could answer the door.

My plan was to offer her a glass of water because as I said it was very hot and I'm nice like that, however I had a raging boner and was/am a bit awkward anyway so instead of answering the door I was frozen. She must have heard me stumbling over myself earlier as she lingered in the doorway waiting to see if anyone was home and then she left.

I raced back up to my bedroom window so I could fap to her ass as she walked away. Then she was out of view but I wanted more. And then the idea hit me! My dodge caravan had tinted windows and I would be able to do a pass or two without being overly creepy!

Clothes were back on in an instant and I was out the door. By this time she was around the block a ways so I had to find her. Driving one handed while unzipping then fapping, looking for my lost inspiration. I found her and fapped vigorously, but it wasn't enough I needed another pass before I went home.

Rounding the block again I saw that she was walking towards me so I slowed a little and began to fap faster. About the time I realized 'duh, my front windshield is not tinted' and 'this is a little weird' I made eye contact with the sultry door to door lady and came all over the inside of my vehicle.

I do not know if she actually made eye contact with me, I do not know if she realized what I was doing, but I bet she at least recognized my car as the one in the driveway where I heard someone in the house.

Once I got to my house and had cleaned up I thought about what the hell I had just done. I am not proud of what I did, but it was damn exciting and I still have nostalgia faps thinking about her and the situation... now excuse me as I need some alone time!

/r/AskReddit Thread