Reddit what is your opinion on race and racism?

Well, I'm a cisgendered straight white man who's done reasonably well for himself, so I'm sure that's important context.

While I'm sure racism exists in modern America, both of the personal and institutional variety, I think we've made enormous progress in recent decades.

I also think further progress is going to face problems of diminishing returns. Any incremental gains are going to require more and more effort. I also think there's enough backlash against certain types of activism that we might be near the practical limit of progress via directly fighting racism.

Obviously this opinion is somewhat selfish: people would do better to focus inward and solve their own problems as much as possible, and help others as much as they're comfortable with, and focus less on blaming others or trying to get special treatment due to their upbringing or racial struggles or whatever. This is selfish because it demands nothing from me.

However, as a dude who doesn't feel particularly racist, and who doesn't do any hiring or firing or really much else that can be race-based or effectively have any sort of disparate racial impact, agreeing with anti-racist activists doesn't demand much from me personally, either. In fact, expressing this opinion publicly would possibly put my career at risk, so I suppose it isn't all that selfish.

But yeah, my opinion is that assimilation into mainstream culture at least enough to be self sufficient if not truly "successful" (and encouraging same) is probably the best way to empower oppressed minorities as individuals as well as their communities in the long term. Teaching kids that white people/society/institutions are against them is unlikely to improve people's lives. Teach them to be aware of racism, and that some things won't be fair, but also that fighting those things are sharply uphill battles, which will be both less necessary to fight and easier to fight if they have strong academic records, no criminal records, can speak impressively proper English and be comfortable around white people, successful people, etc.

/r/AskReddit Thread