Reddit, what's the smallest thing that seems to piss you off that no else gets bothered by?

you could see first hand that society in general disagrees with your warped morality.

from the responses your getting here I wouldn't be so sure about that.

The simple fact is that people place their own emotions/feelings above those of others people. This results in them caring more about their own pet/dog than a random human being. They have an emotional investment in their animal, they have no such investment in a random person they don't know. When their pet dies they are personally impacted, when a random person dies they can sympathize but the death doesn't impact them. People simply care more about their own comfort/happiness than the happiness of people they have never met.

It's insanely basic psychology.

Additionally people inherently see innocence in domesticated animals (specifically cats & dogs). The same is generally true for children or mental handicapped, which is why they react much more severely when those groups suffer. They see that they have done nothing to deserve whatever pain they are enduring (generally speaking). The same is not inherently true for an adult human. Yes humans are capable of immense good, but they are equally capable of intense evil and hatred. So a person is often subconsciously (or at times consciously) wondering what that person did to deserve the suffering they are enduring. An animal has no good/evil dichotomy, they simply exist.

In another comment you stated

The dog is going to die in like 10 years and has probably never once paid a bill

Most people don't measure the value of something by its lifespan or its ability to pay bills. In fact that seems like a pretty shitty way to measure the value of anything. Is a 35 year old man who pays taxes is more valuable than a 15 year old with terminal cancer? The 15 year old will die in 2 years and never once paid a bill...does that make them less valuable...fuck no.

You are arguing that Human Life > Animal Life. And in a general sense I think most people would agree with you. However you are completely ignoring reality. It is "Animal You Know and Love" vs "a person you have zero connection to." So at an individual personal level that right there levels the playing field significantly for many people.

And finally

I hope your dog bites someone and it has to be euthanized.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Who the fuck wants someone to suffer simply because they disagree with you?

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