Reddit, What's the worst job you've ever had?

I have worked many shitty jobs, fast food, gas stations, factory work, but none of those were nearly as bad as it was being a secretary for a real estate office.

I generally don't stereotype people, but all realtors are the same, and they are the shittiest people I have ever known. They have the most ridiculously inflated egos I have ever seen, and I have worked for doctors and lawyers too.

They would give me paperwork filled out incorrectly, and I would try to point it out to them before I submitted it to head office, and they would get angry at me for suggesting that they weren't perfect. Most of the time they would tell me that I don't know what I'm doing, and to send in the paperwork anyways. Then when head office sends the paperwork back because of the mistake, they would get pissy at me like it was my fault.

There is a rule that since I am not a realtor, I can't divulge prices to anyone, but I would get so many calls from realtors unwilling to look up the mls listings online, and asking me for prices. When I wouldn't give them the prices, they would complain about me to the office manager, who would lecture me about making the realtors angry. I'd remind him that I was told that I would get fired if I divulged prices, and he would tell me again that I would be fired if I did, so I'd ask how I could possibly make those realtors happy. He never had an answer for that question.

I would get calls requesting last minute appointments for listings that require 24 hour notice, and I'd let the requesting realtors know. They'd insist I try anyways, so I'd call the seller, invariably get chewed out for ignoring the 24 hour rule, then call the showing agent back and get chewed out for not getting the appointment. I could never win.

Tl;dr Fuck real estate agents. If I ever buy/sell a house, I will be doing it privately. None of those useless assholes will ever get a dime out of me.

/r/AskReddit Thread