Redditor explains the "Star Wars Generation" between Millenials and Generation X

We bridge the Analog and Digital worlds. We grew up in an analog world splashed with expensive digital firsts. I know that you don't even have to plug an old phone into a power outlet. Power would go out? Call the power company, from your house when you have NO power! You could actually do that back then. They have turned the world Millennial into a derogatory word, mostly through pronunciation. They think we have had it all handed to us. Reagan started the downfall of our future. Bill Clinton solidified it. Bush used our youthful fears of 9/11 to take away our freedoms. Obama just let austerity continue. While ignoring almost all of his promises.

Personally I think if any generation should be refereed to in the derogatory way millennials are, is the Baby Boomers!

BABY BOOMERS ruined this country. Self Righteous. Believe everything on TV. Think progressives are after their money, even though its the other way around. They were the hippy generation! They tried ALL the drugs, but then made them illegal for all their children. They voted for war hawks and wall street stooges. Baby Boomers cry and scream until they get what they want. If they don't the scape goat us as the countries biggest problem. The hippies were supposed to save this country, instead, they all sold out. Put on suits, and began to bone every single American. Destroy every aspect of the environment. Put their head in the sand when they realized world temperatures were rising. Hate people based off of skin tone. Think everyone is out to get them, when they are the ones out getting everyone else. Many claim to be Christians, but help no one. Give nothing and ride off the coat tails of the younger generation that brought them all the technologies they enjoy.

Something is wrong with Baby Boomers. I think they ruined this country and are trying their best to do so. Trump (1946) and Clinton (1947)...BABY BOOMERS! This generation cares about nothing but themselves. Work retail. You can tell a boomer over the phone and from a mile away.

They are the dregs of American society. They sat by when Reagan destroyed Carters food plan. No children were hungry in this country before Reagan. Baby Boomers let that pass and didn't say a word. Baby boomers sat by while I was in elementry and middle school, as they closed ART, MUSIC, POOLS. Anything fun at school was gutted, and us Millennials were left with a TERRIBLE education. I could go on and on. Just to clarify Bernie Sanders is technically not even a war baby. Since he was born before the US entered WW2.

If I hear one more entailed Boomer complain about Millennials I am gonna pop. They can't use computers. Watch TV with commercials. Think cell phones are magic. Took over Facebook. Just a toxic wold destroying generation. Once us millennials are 35. GOOD LUCK BOOMERS.

You'll all be in a home and we will be in control. Good thing we actually care about people and the world. Boomers just want to blow the whole world up. Turns out they had an apt generational name. They just boom around kicking up trouble and complaints everywhere they go.

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