Redditors of Europe who are witnessing the "migrant crisis" what is the mood like of the locals in your country? And how has it affected you?

I got kind of carried away while writing this, sorry if I hijacked your post <3

Swede here as well, and I agree with your assesment that immigration needs to be done better here.

To shed some better light on the political situation here; The party mentioned (SD) has its root in a neo-nazi group from the 80s-90s, and their current party-leader was a very active member of that group. Now they've changed their public "face", claiming that they wish to focus on keeping swedish traditions alive, and helping our eldery more. The other parties doesn't really dare to take up the issue, as it always have been a very touchy subject in our country, so the people annoyed at how immigration is being handled (More on that in a bit), listen to SD.
The real danger with that party is that they are VERY good at marketing, and very good at convincing people they're right. Even after hundreds of fuck-ups in media by many of their members, they keep growing due to their , admittedly, great damage control. That, combined with them taking up the immigrant question, leads to many people thinking they're one of the few "honest" parties.
I think it's worth mentioning that they are also extremely conservative in every, and against womens and LGBT rights.

I am all for immigration. It's needed while the world looks like it does. We need to be bigger people and help the less fortunate.
However, one thing that is critical for immigration to work, is integration. People should bring their culture wherever they go, of course, but to certain extent. They still need to be ready, and have the means to, become functioning members of the society they are going to live in. This is were sweden fails catastrophically.
The solution has so far been to just ship anybody coming here to old apartment areas, either at the edge of bigger cities, or smaller villages in the countryside. This, of course, leads to segregation. The immigrants don't feel welcomed, and recieve minimal help to even just learn the language, or get properly enrolled in school. That leads to large amounts of crime in those areas, and every immigrant gets a bad rep in the eyes of many swedes, which leads to racism, which leads to conservative parties getting control etc. It's not a new reaction, and not unavoidable.

I believe that sweden (And most first world contries) could handle the amount of immigrants right now, and help all those people, but the system is fucked up, and I honestly don't know exactly how to solve it. Social Studies never was my best side. Still though, the political situation here frightens me. Not because the growing immigrant numbers, but because the implications of what could happen if the SD-party keeps growing the way it does now.

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