What's the creepiest thing to happen to you while you were home alone?

.This happened about a year and a half ago, give or take. Not so much creepy as down right terrifying.

I was home alone, sleeping till like 2 o clock because fuck you i do what i want. To provide some backstory, my dad had been renovating the kitchen at the time. lots of banging at obscene hours (like 10am) when he wasnt at work. hes a carpenter with severe disability stuff going on so he works very sporadically.

anyways, im home alone, sleeping peacefully, when i wake up to some horrendous noises. it sounded pretty typical for what my dad was doing in the kitchen, so i wasnt bothered and flipped over to go back to sleep.

fast forward to about 1:30pm. i woke up and decided i needed some delicious taquitos. so i go downstairs into the kitchen (which is directly below me, didnt venture into any other part of the house before that) and put em in the microwave. while theyre cooking i decide ill be social and go say hi to my father.

so i walk into the hall leading to the living room, and in that hall is the basement door. the metal basement door. the lower corner had been lifted up, and bent until you could see into the stairway

now at this point im just like, what the fuck did he do that for. until i realize he isnt home. i walk into the living room, shits missing. walk into my moms room, its trashed, all her jewelry was gone, shit was all over the floor, it was a disaster.

cue panic attack.

so being the raised in the south individual i am, i get a gun from the cabinet immediately. and then i call my mom (dont know why my first instincy was her and not THE POLICE but, she works for the local department so she got them there for me). after that i spent like 30 minutes hiding in the closet in absolute terror.

sherrif shows up, hes old as fuck, does his thing, whatever. turns out the guys smashed their way through the door with an axe and then crawled inside. idk how they did it because i dont even think i could fit inside the hole they made.

they stole all my moms jewelry, a laptop, my dads meds, and one of those water cooler jugs with about $1000 in coinage in it. we have no idea how they got that out, unless they were simply considerate enough to lock the door behind them.

they never came to my side of the house, strangely enough. only the side of my moms room/closets/the living room.

TL;DR home alone sleeping blissfully, house broken into. slept through it. wake up to find aftermath. never sleep blissfully again

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