Redditors in long distance relationships, how did you and your S.O. meet and how is everything working out?

The year is 2010.

I met my SO while playing EVE Online. We were in the same corporation (guild). She had been coaxed by some of her friends to give that game a try. Same thing for me on my side. Before that one day when everything changed, I just knew that she was a girl, and that's about it. We never had talked much other than the usual trivialities in the guild chat.

Then one day, while she was talking about kimonos, she posted a picture of herself wearing one. I saw the picture and I thought "Damn, she sure is cute! I should chat her up or something.."

So I did. This game can have a slow pace if that's what you choose to do, and that's what she was doing. We spent countless hours chatting together while our lasers were munching on tasty asteroids. Then at some point, we figured we should try and meet, and see if there was something more going on between us.

So during some time off she had, she drove up to my place. Oh, slight detail, she at the time lived in Oklahoma, and I was living in Canada, near Montreal. She drove 20+ hours by herself to come see me. We found out we had chemistry together.

Then during her vacation time, or during me, we'd spend time together, by then she had moved to another state, so I came down to visit her a few times, she came back up to visit me a few times. The rest of the year, we'd be chatting together every day, with texts or on Skype when we were both home.

Eventually we decided that if we wanted to carry on with this, we would need to get married so one of us could move in with the other. Obviously this would mean me moving to the US, since she has 2 kids and their dad has custody sometimes when he feels like having them on his weekend, so she couldn't move too far away.

So in 2012, we got married. Then we tackled the humongous clusterfuck that is the US immigration system. Tons and tons of forms were filled, so much that at some point I had in mind to have a rubber stamp created with all my infos on it.

Then after a slight hiccup obtaining the visa, which by the way was valid for THREE WEEKS!! from the moment I received it - actually had been issued the week before, so I in fact had 2 weeks to quit work/clean my appartment of everything/pack my whole life into my car.

Then I drove down here November 2013, and here we are, 2 and a half years later, and we're very very happy!

/r/AskReddit Thread