Redditors of r/sg, what are some extreme ways you did to save money monthly?

  • I don't have a car or use Grab, only public transport and taxis if time is of the essence.

  • Lunch on working days is $3 or less: bee hoon/noodles/fried rice with one meat. Drinks is water from the office water cooler. I spend a little more on off-days, weekends, and special occasions but no cafe-hopping, no Starbucks, and no fine dining.

  • Every potential purchase gets scrutinized. I ask myself if it's a need or a want. If it's the latter, I then evaluate if it will last for a long time or bring me long-term benefits to make it worth the money. I also tend to hold out on buying wants until they're on discount. I don't buy new clothes until they're damaged beyond repair or can't fit me anymore.

/r/singapore Thread