Redditors who are sad right now, what's going on?

hey, just here to vent. Been very stressed and it may be nice to just get it into words Ok now time to complain!!!!! I'm almost 23 and I have no real friends, came close to failing out of highschool, dropped out of college, I suck at interacting with people, cant keep a relationship, I can't go to sleep unless I'm stoned(I'll be up all night, literally), I'm not healthy (~50 pounds underweight) , I seem to be mediocre at everything I do, I can't quit smoking, I can't seem to get myself to get in the habit to do normal, everyday things like brushing my teeth and making my bed. I get out of control when I drink(Not wild like a teenager, more along the lines of spending all of me AND my girlfriends money on a slot machine, losing my wallet, getting lost, kicked out of bars for being too drunk... that kind of thing) I'll most likely never make a career out of the ONLY thing I like to do(I love to fly airplanes, but I don't think I'm cut out to be a real world pilot, so Ill just keep it a hobby)I'm starting to realize that I'm a long way from being a happy, self sufficient person. The worst part is knowing it is 100% my own fault. I had all the best resources, fucked it all up, and now its coming back to haunt me. I'm making an effort to sort my life out. I just wish I can find something I'm good at. Just for the record, I'm not just a sad sap. I have a lot to be thankful for in my life, but Ill save that for another day. thanks for giving me an opportunity to get this out. Much appreciated. Good day all.

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