Redditors who have completely dropped your old life and started anew somewhere else, how is your life now?

Wow, a thread I can actually fully relate to. A little late so this'll probably get buried anyways, but it may be interesting to a few of you and perhaps grant some insight.

Currently I'm doing quite well for myself but lacking in the emotional spectrum, I have lived in four different European countries for at least a couple of years max, I'm currently 21 years old.

Living situation: With that said I do still live with my parents, with them moving so much I found it extremely hard to live by myself when I attempted it roughly a year ago, I initially thought the last of my struggles was the loneliness... boy was I wrong. It eventually was the main reason for me to move back in with my parents, although the experience has taught me to appreciate them more, perhaps when I am able to hold a proper relationship with a woman I'll move with her somewhere.

Social situation: Moving around so much has crippled my social life multiple times, I am still in touch with a few close friends and we try to visit eachother at least one a year. Making new friends is not particularly difficult for me, but at the same time it's quite exhausting, saying goodbye has become routine but it never fails to hurt. Working out is a way to vent and has always given me some solace. My love life is a joke, I have become sick and tired of one night stands and long distance relationships never work out, but I keep my chin up and hope to find that special someone that can cope with my turbulent lifestyle.

Cultural situation: This is the most tricky one, I have never felt anywhere truly at home and always being labeled "that foreign guy" did not help either. But at the same time, observing others gave me plenty of perspective and had plenty of time to think, so in turn I could reflect and discover my own personality, though I'm unable to fully identify myself with any country and I don't think I ever will.

All in all I'd consider myself pretty happy, I'm very ambitious but somewhere in the back of my mind I just want to settle down.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.

/r/AskReddit Thread