Redditors who have died and have been revived, did you have any sense of time passing between dying and waking up?

I was in a horrific car crash as a child.

My mother, father and I were headed to my little league baseball game when an oncoming car clipped the drivers side of our car and sent us spinning and we did a couple barrel rolls (we were in a small civic compact car)

I was in the backseat and I remember the moment of impact and a little bit of when I was in the air rolling but after that I have no recollection. I couldn't tell you what the crash looked like, how my parents looked after the crash. Nothing. Turns out I had fallen into what the doctors called a fear induced coma. Where my brain was so scared that it's reaction was to shut down and slip into a coma.

I was alive and in the hospital where they were treating my (major but not life threatening) wounds. Yet I was unconscious.

Suddenly I began having seizures, I was told by my parents that the doctors were holding down all my limbs and it was the worst thing they have ever experienced just watching my lay there under no control of my body or brain. My parents were asked to leave the room now that my condition was worsening. My seizures got longer and worse and I was still in my coma. IV tubes and other devices were being ripped out and my wounds began to come life threatening (a gash on my side and a broken leg)

Doctors decided I needed to go under the knife right then, so I did. They performed surgery on my gash first and something went wrong and the heart monitor went blank. Keep in mind I am in my coma so I have been brain dead for hours now. I passed away in the surgery bed and was revived and surgery continued.

I got out of surgery a back into bed. The next day I finally rose from my coma Andy seizures went away. I called the nurse over to tell my what the hell was going on and he said he would get the doctor right away. A couple minutes later the surgeon who worked on me was in the room and explained everything to me. Even me passing away in the surgery bed.

I had to ask the question, so I did. I asked him, Doc, "how long was I dead in the surgery bed " Doc replied "about tree fiddy"

/r/AskReddit Thread