Redditors who have done Salvia: What was your trip(s) like?

The first time I did it I did it by accident, in a gravity bong.

When I pulled away the TV was echoing and their were stars like I had hit my head.

Then everything echoed. My friend's came out of the wall to tell me that's why I shouldn't take stuff without asking.

I quickly turned into a 5 year old. My mom was inviting me outside to play at the house I grew up in. A goddess in a white dress also showed up to tell me to go outside. That's about when I yelled "hello" in the empty apartment.

Slowly I realized this was not, in fact, "a little bit of powered resin to be the base for my keef." I laid down on the floor and watched the popcorn ceiling march across. Then I decided to shower. So I turned on the shower, got inside (clothes off), and sat down while the water hit my head.

The second time I smoked it I knew what it was, and it was fucking awesome. I was "in outer space, on a space ship, and we're like, looking down on the world."

Not me: My buddy smoked it (he has experimented a with a lot of hard stuff) and this had everyone peel away, the walls brick apart and fall down, then he walked right into the wall to see if it was still there. He ended up crying for a minute, then got it together. He said it was worse than any acid he's taken.

OH, all of these encounters lasted exactly 15 minutes. After that, there's a strange feeling, but the "fun" is gone.

/r/AskReddit Thread