What don't you do anymore due to a bad experience?

Give blood. I'm not great with blood to begin with, but it was high school and I probably wanted to impress some girl.

No idea what the nurse did wrong but there was a kink in the hose, and my blood stopped filling the bag at one point. but all I saw was a little bit of blood form around the needle in my arm.

I called the nurse over. And she said "Oh there's something wrong" and pulled the needle out. Blood spurted out of my arm like a jet. It was not a constant stream, just a spurt and it wasn't actually a lot of blood, it just moved fast. I thought for a second though that I was about to bleed to death.

It hit her in the face and some blood gets in her mouth so she spits, and it lands on me. She spat my own blood at me.

She apologized, and as I was wiping my blood and her spit off of me, she tells me she has to throw out my blood because it was only 3/4 full and it has to be completely full?

So they threw out my blood, spit on me, and I thought I was gonna die. On the plus side I got very drunk that night.

/r/AskReddit Thread