Redditors who don't vote: What would it take to get you to vote?

Democracy is not what I think of when I consider our current system. The words that come to my mind are instead: plutocracy, kakistocracy, kleptocracy, and oligarchy. Each of these words far better describes this system in its’ current state than democracy. It seems to me that by voting I would be declaring that I approve of this corrupt system, or, at the very least, I would be saying that I have confidence it can be fixed if only my candidate wins. I do not, and I don’t imagine anyone could fix this mess. By voting you give sanction to this monster. I will not.

Moreover, if Diebold’s (allegedly) rigged voting machines aren’t enough we have the Electoral College to make sure everything goes as planned. Beyond that, we have a two party system where I see no difference between the candidates concerning any real issues. They bank on people voting for them based on these wedge issues which they really only influence insignificantly. Can you imagine if they tried to outlaw abortion? Not going to happen. And the gay marriage debate… Gay marriage is coming and no one can stop it, not even with all the money in the world. So while they have people pledging support to them for their stance on these issues they consistently, and without exception, make the rich richer, fuck the poor, destroy the environment, bail out banks and corporations, spend our money on bombs and military bases, go to war, and milk us all for every last dime they can get. Fuck ‘em, I’ll vote when this system meets its inevitable conclusion in ashes and people finally get the balls to start over.

Do you know that no one knows how many laws there are? There are so many that they lost count, but ignorance of the law is no excuse. Or how about the fact that candidates like Ron Paul and Ralph Nader were prevented from taking part in debates in which they had met all the criteria required to be included. They wouldn’t even let Ralph in the building. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t have voted for either of them either, but it goes to show the whole circus is rigged.

“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years” ~Lysander Spooner “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” ~President Thomas Jefferson “The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.” ~George Washington

Sorry for the rant. And I haven’t even scratched the surface regarding all the reason I won’t vote. Apparently I’m not alone seeing as how voter turnout seems to be so low in certain areas of the country. I read that California’s turnout was around 17% not too long ago. Sorry, sorry I can’t shut up. tl;dr giant douche vs. turd sandwich

/r/AskReddit Thread