Redditors who grew up with overly permissive parents, what was the most absurd thing you were allowed to do?

A lot of stuff that seemed normal but now that I have my own kids (and paranoia), I'd have a hard time allowing. Like when I was around 10 I was allowed to go down to the lake with my friends (who were also my age) - one of the Great Lakes with 10ft waves and undertows. Super dangerous now that I think about it.

Also when I was 18, I met my now husband and I'd hang out with his friends usually at one of their houses. A bunch of dudes my mom had never met, had no idea what kind of guys they were, and she knew I'd be drinking. And the only girl there. And staying overnight. Nothing weird ever happened of course, they're all super geeky and they're like my brothers now. I would have noped out of there at the slightest creepiness. But I'm thinking maybe she was a bit naive.

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