Redditors who were in a "gifted and talented" program in elementary school, do you think you that this program made any difference in how you turned out?

I was sent to a school counselor whenever I acted out in class. She decided I was "emotionally handicapped" and recommended that I take the gifted test. I scored well enough to get accepted and was in the program until the 8th Grade. The counselor thought a lot of my potential. She said I was going to buy her a fur coat when I became a rich lawyer.

I liked the program. Logic puzzles, plays, mock trials, Quiz Bowl, etc. I wrote the script for a short mystery with a friend who was also in the group and we all filmed it for a project. The only direct academic advantage I can recall was taking Pre-Algebra a year early.

I wouldn't say it's made any difference in how I've turned out. I left the program when I was sent to live with my father for a few months at the end of 8th Grade. I was doing poorly in school and my mother hoped that would help straighten me out. I was also sent to a child therapist for a short time. Didn't work. I flunked the 9th Grade. (Lack of effort. Example: I received a 13 in a shop course because I stopped doing any work.)

I still graduated high school on time. Took some AP courses that teachers recommended me for and did well enough to go to a good university. I was Pre-Law. Then I transferred to switch majors. Then I dropped out. I am now 36. I've had the same job for the last seven years working Part Time in corporate retail. $10.50 an hour. I live at home. It's possible I have a larger problem than an emotional handicap.

I think the program can help and I believe I got something out of it but how I've turned out is evidence it's no guarantee of success either academically or in life. That's always going to be up to the individual.

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