Reddit's Political Leanings in 2015 [OC]

I'm a 31 year old who tends to be intrigued by some of the more outsider wildcard sort of candidates, and I have done some Republican/Democrat swaying.

It's not always about voting a specific party for me (I'm not registered with any party). For me, it's often up to personal characteristics. I'm willing to hear out both sides and vote for the person I think has the most convincing pitch and whose plan I think will best fit our current dilemmas while not seeming to sly.

I don't think the two party system was created to make half of the country hate the other half, nor is a debate a superbowl game, nor is one side always inherently "right" or "wrong". They're just two perspectives that bring varying ideas to the table and should question each other, the same way we should question each other and ourselves (some would say that is called lacking conviction, but whatever).

I'll admit that Bernie has intrigued me some. I don't align much with democrats in general, however I do give them points for supporting reproductive rights for women (I think Republicans who tout smaller government need to entertain the idea of staying out of women's bodies), and I am deeply troubled by the state of our health care system, so any mention of SOME effort to make it start working grabs my attention. But I'm not real convinced by "Universal Healthcare. Wall Street will pay for for it. Done." I'm losing interest and returning back to where I want to be I think. I often wish I could be and vote Republican with confidence, and while there are republican candidates I can choose, they often seem like whack job people on a personal level.

Thankfully, Rand Paul is seeming like a normal human being despite a few things I may not like a little. So you can count me as someone who has swung away from Bernie and back in a conservative direction. Still, I won't be outraged if Bernie wins.

Trump? Nuh uh. Never.

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