Relationship-Oriented/Marriage-minded Men in Toronto?

Yes, way easier and less time wasted. IMO, it's not a huge cost and dating was so emotionally exhausting and I was having a bad day when I initially paid for it. Really glad I did. I wanted to find someone but dating apps involve so much time on your phone messaging randoms and waiting for responses. It was nice to buy some of that time and energy back. It was honestly kind of shocking to see how many matches I actually had too. I tried to scroll to the bottom of the list out of curiosity and kept scrolling and scrolling and never got there. If you're a decent looking woman in a city, you just get a ton. Made it way faster and easier and it was also a nice confidence boost. Dating is still hard and I definitely still kissed a few frogs along the way to finding someone but I think it sped up the process.

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