Remember that a vote for Hillary is a vote for the same people who sabotaged this election so Bernie couldn't win.

No, I do understand what you've said there, clearly.

The thing is, like you said, I didn't expect us to win the presidency here. This campaign was to spark and seed for a movement. And we've done this, and now our task is to continue working for these things.

Now we use stategy. Status quo is far superior conditions for me to work with towards a real and more all encompassing movement. With status quo, I can remain focused on the issues that Bernie ran his campaign on. And we can network and cause for a real movement that extends beyond presidential campaigns. This was the strategy even if Bernie had won.

However, if Trump gets in, everything we are working for gets much, much harder. How am I to fight for the things Sanders wants, if I am stuck battling for things like the very existence of the EPA, for example. How am I to do any positive work if I am stuck battling over things that have already been solved? And not to mention that now you will have this guy nominate several supreme court justices, themselves likely very conservative and climate change deniers.

You'd better belive I'm voting to keep this guy out. I think who doesn't understand here is you. This isn't about "teaching somebody a lesson" somehow, that's childish/emotional reasoning, it's an emotional reaction that doesn't bring us closer to our goals. This is about causing actual change and my methodology is far superior to what you're proposing here. Things do not get better by causing them to get worse. That's a very basic mistake.

There's a reason, and a very very good one, that Sanders agrees with me and not you.

Basically, if you're considering voting for Trump, I have to question:

A) if you really ever even wanted to accomplish anything on Bernie's agenda in the first place,


B) If you do want those things, I would question your reasoning on how exactly you think Trump would bring you closer to that, instead of acting like a massive and decades-long impediment to everything we seek to accomplish.

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