Renewables investment in UK will fall 95% over next three years

That's not reasonable, that's arse-backwards idiocy of the highest order, yes lets just abandon all technological progress and go back to subsistence farming eh?
Are you going to volunteer you and your family to be part of the cull needed to drop population levels to make that even viable?
Or do you see yourself as one of those elite "artisans" you mention, trading your amazing skills for your bread and butter while the peasants toil in the fields?

The actual solution is massive investment in science and technology, and the fair distribution of the fruits of that investment.

In generation 3 and 4 nuclear generators, vertical farming and other technologies fueled by massive automation - while simultaneously working to eradicate poverty (sharing the fruits of automation equally - universal basic income is a nice stopgap measure) and increase education standards.
Once poverty is solved the population issue tends to take care of itself over time as most countries would experience negative population growth (most wealthy nations already would if not for immigrants shoring up the numbers).

Ideas that have floated around since the victorian era? You say that like it's a good thing or somehow adds weight to your argument, you know some victorians believed a lot of outright moronic things. Just like many people do today.

Seriously learn some damn history pre-industrial life was basically the opposite from whatever rosy idyllic fantasy you've in mind.

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