So there's two routes you can kind of go down here. One is more focused on your deck out the other is a somewhat competent Zombie deck (less so as power creep marches on) that happens to use Bone Tower.
Purely for the win con you're looking at a Mayakashi Deck for the most part.
3 Soul Absorbing Bone Tower 2 Gozuki 2 Mezuki 3 Hajun 3 Dakki 3 Yuki Musume 1 Changshi Spirado 1 Mad Mauler. The rest is like cards that help the win con. 3 Soul Levy, Called by the Grave, Zombie Reborn, Ghost Meets Girl, whatever other utility cards you might want to protect your own plays or stop your opponent from stopping you.
Your goal? Get Bone Tower on the board and start synchro climbing. Pretty basically just running 2 of each Mayakashi Monster and then like Immortal Dragon and Vampire Sucker, Avendread Savior, Vampire Fascinator and Zombie Vampire are good tools. Avendread, Fascinator and Zombie Vampire are more optional but excellent extenders that can push you over.
The other is just Branded Zombie feat Bone Tower. Use Branded Fusion to get Bone Tower or ZW in your gy whichever you need, normal summon Uni Zombie or some other way to foolish burial Mezuki, summon Bone Tower, put up Zombie World and start making plays.